Harrow Shenzhen is committed to the safeguarding and promotion of the welfare of children. Safeguarding is the primary responsibility of all members in the Harrow Shenzhen community and everyone is expected to share this commitment and understand the school’s values with regards to the safe and appropriate care of children. This includes providing a caring, positive, safe and stimulating environment in which the social, physical and moral development of the individual child can be nurtured.
At Harrow Shenzhen safeguarding means following international best practices and expectations. Our policy is based upon both UK (the Children Acts of 1989 and 2004) and international (Convention on the Rights of the Child) legislation. This policy is shared with all staff who know the correct procedures to take regarding Child Protection Issues.
We strongly encourage a ‘speak up culture’ such that any concerns are raised with the Designated Safeguarding Lead (Catherine Donnelly) and the Designated Safeguarding Team so that appropriate actions can be taken to ensure that every child is safe.
Our emphasis upon safeguarding at Harrow Shenzhen is underpinned by the understanding that safe children make more successful learners. If you would like to read through our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, please refer to the Parent Portal. Any concerns regarding Safeguarding can be reported directly to our team of Designated Safeguarding Leads at:
Our Safeguarding Team
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Catherine Donnelly, who also serves as the Deputy Head of the Whole School, is supported by Assistant Designated Safeguarding Lead Zaynah Khan, our Whole School Counsellor, Deputy DSL Regina Xu, our Lower School Counsellor, Deputy DSL James Berry, the Head of Lower School, as well as Deputy DSL Jessica Pooley-Litt, the Head of Upper School. The safety and well-being of our students are the top priority for all members of our community.
We kindly request that parents and visitors:
- Do not take photos or videos of any child without permission from the Head Master
- Avoid touching any child (other than your own) or invade their personal space
- Do not take any contact details from a child
- Only use designated adult-only toilets and do not enter the children’s toilets or changing room areas.
- When visiting the campus, all parents/guardians must wear their parents’ identification badge, making sure it is clearly visible before entering the school building. If this is forgotten parents/guardian will have to sign in at reception like a school visitor.
- For security reasons, it is vital that the appropriate staff member/s are informed of an intended visit.