Harrow Shenzhen Young Musician of the Year 2022

“Music is the divine way
to tell beautiful, poetic things
to the heart."

- Pablo Casals, Spanish cellist, composer and conductor

Music education is an indispensable part of Harrow’s holistic education. As another form of language, music helps our youngsters to explore their inner selves and to express their emotions beyond words. Yesterday evening, we enjoyed a feast of music performances from the finalists of the Harrow Shenzhen Young Musicians of the Year 2022. After a strict selection of the applicants and auditions, the finalists came on stage with their best selected repertoires to perform in front of the music teachers and professional adjudicators.

The adjudicators and music teachers
Young Musicians of the Year
Grand Final

The finalists competed for the ultimate prize which will be an Honourary Music Scholarship and to perform again at the School Speech Day. More importantly, is how the young musicians devote themselves in the process of practising and excelling; feeling the spark generated by the collaboration of the musician and the instrument; and to enjoy performing in front of the audience.

Instrumental Category

King, Year 10
King, Year 10
Raymond, Year 8
Raymond, Year 8
River, Year 5
River, Year 5
Jacelyn, Year 6
Jacelyn, Year 6
Samantha, Year 8
Samantha, Year 8
KK, Year 10
KK, Year 10
Catherine, Year 5
Catherine, Year 5

Piano Intermediate

Daniel, Year 5
Daniel, Year 5
Selina, Year 4
Selina, Year 4
Hedy, Year 7
Hedy, Year 7
Jenny, Year 8
Jenny, Year 8
Alice, Year 5
Alice, Year 5

Piano Advanced

Casso, Year 10
Casso, Year 10
Ella, Year 10
Ella, Year 10
Terrace, Year 9
Terrace, Year 9
Jannis, Year 5
Jannis, Year 5
Cynthia, Year 9
Cynthia, Year 9
Cathy, Year 6
Cathy, Year 6

The Young Musicians of 2022

Instrumental Category

2nd Prize:Jacelyn
2nd Prize:Jacelyn

Piano Intermediate

2nd Place:Alice
2nd Place:Alice

Piano Advanced

2nd Prize:Jannis
2nd Prize:Jannis

Winning in the competition is not the most important thing, it is more about immersing oneself in the music and just to listen, watch and enjoy. 

Many thanks to all the young musicians, who have demonstrated leadership by participating in the competition and delivered such a phenomenal, poetic show to us. 

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