“We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist, using technologies that haven’t been invented, in order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet.”
—Richard Riley, former US Secretary of Education
Harrow DJI Innovation Week
is coming soon!
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting Harrow Shenzhen Innovation Week from the 7th to the 11th June 2021. This is an exciting week-long project in collaboration with DJI Education.
Working with DJI engineers and experts, students from Year 3 to Year 9 will take their learning beyond the taught classroom content to support their development and preparation for a modern world and a modern workforce.
DJI Education
Innovation Week has enabled us to reach out to our local community within Shenzhen.
DJI is a world-class technology company which manufactures state of the art unmanned aerial vehicles. They account for around 70% of the world’s consumer drone market and their products have been utilised by both the industry application and automotive field.
Harrow Innovation Week
Transferrable Skills
These 12 skills are the key to our students’ success

Students will develop the 21st century skill set through these exciting workshops and seminars. These are the 12 abilities that research suggests today’s students need to succeed in their future careers during the Information Age:
Critical thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Information literacy, Media literacy, Technology literacy, Flexibility, Leadership, Initiative, Productivity, Social skills.
Harrow Innovation Week
Pre-Assessment Week
Play hard and study hard
On Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th May, students from Year 3 to Year 9 took part in a pre-assessment activity with DJI. This was to support links between the taught curriculum, introduce students to the skills they will demonstrate during innovation week and for DJI to assess the standard of the students’ coding and programming skills to ensure a high level of challenge.
Harrow Innovation Week
Partnerships for the Future
Guest speakers from DJI and Tencent will share their insight
As the ‘Silicon Valley’ of China, Shenzhen is home to many tech giants such as DJI and Tencent, and it is these collaborations we are keen to support and develop to provide our students with exciting new opportunities. Guest speakers from DJI and Tencent will offer insight into cutting edge technologies and STEAM careers during the week.
Harrow Innovation Week
Coming Soon
LSA programme will facilitate coding aspirations
Next year’s LSA programme will see the introduction of DJI RoboMaster activities to facilitate coding and programming aspirations of our young technophiles. These offer early entry into IGCSE standard material as well as A Level to undergraduate content.
- Beginner (Curiosity and Observation: Drag and Drop Progamming Language with S1 Robots)
- Intermediate (Logical Thinking and Practical Ability: Progression onto Python programming with S1 Robots)
- Advanced (Discovery and Problem Solving: Advanced Python Programming with EP Robots)
Harrow Innovation Week
Early Years and Key Stage 1
Our very own Innovation Week
During the same week students in the Early Years to Year 2 will participate in their very own Innovation Week. It is important during the early learning phase to facilitate the development of fine motor skills, curiosity, critical thinking, design and creativity, in a collaboration and exploratory environment.
Harrow Shenzhen has joined with MG Maker Space to plan this exciting week-long activities programme. MG Maker Space are a Shenzhen-based education company which produces resources and maker spaces to promote the fields of electronics, engineering and programming. Exploration and discovery-based learning.
Throughout the week, students will participate in a number of workshops and activities which have a focus on engineering, electronics and programming. This includes creation of a cardboard city, toothbrush bot racing, automatas as well as construction challenges. The week will begin with a parent workshop in the Early Years where students and parents will collaborate to create non-motorised vehicles to test and refine on a giant track.