At Harrow Shenzhen, the focus of Science is creating a culture of high academic expectations and to foster a love and curiosity for science. We strive to build a knowledge rich curriculum, that each year builds on the previously taught topics so that students can make links between their current understanding whilst expanding their new knowledge.
We focus on acquisition of new language that enables our students to write and speak like a scientist and we challenge them to read science specific texts.
Students in Year 6 to 8 will complete 5 periods of science each week and will be taught by a science specialist teacher. Each year they will complete different units of study for biology, chemistry and physics. The lessons are sequenced into a different topic that is designed to give students opportunities to practice recall of science specific vocabulary and facts.

Approach to developing scientist
Our approach to developing scientists begins with engaging students in the process of discovery and experimentations. Scientific understanding evolves throughout their journey at Harrow Shenzhen.
Our curriculum at HIS SZ is based upon a helix of interleaving of new and old knowledge that enable students to build and extend their understanding of big ideas and scientific concepts such as particle theory, energy, and life processes as they progress through the preperation phase and hone their scientific interest.
A secured subject knowledge is a crucial component of the complex process of becoming a scientist, in students questioning, critical thinking, observation, analysis and application in a real world where we live in.
Scientific content & scientific manner
One of the key classroom activities here at Harrow Shenzhen is in students making connections, empowering them with the methodology and procedural development for discovery not just lecturing and giving content.
Science demands versatile teachers with inspirational and imaginative approaches to bring science in to life. Our teachers are skilled in bringing the best out of our young scientists to form the foundation for examinable content in senior years.
Class activities & learning method
Scientific content is important, but even with highly knowledgeable theoretical understanding students can struggle with working in a scientific manner. Hence, within a diverse and deep framework of content working scientifically is a key focus in the preparation period.
We explicitly teach the development of skills students need to become adept in asking their own questions, planning different types of scientific inquiry, taking measurements with range of equipment, recording, manipulating and interpreting data, researching and referencing key ideas.

Students need to recognize, describe, use and apply key scientific ideas to explain abstract phenomena even when they appear in unfamiliar contexts, discussing and using the vernacular of scientific approach assists students in working scientifically.
Teachers capitalize on chances in any lesson to encourage pupils to reflect, however briefly, on the evidence that supports scientific interpretations. Pupils draw conclusions which match the data they have collected and begin to use this evidence to support further predictions.
They know that scientists have combined evidence from observation and measurement with creative thinking to suggest new ideas and explanations for phenomena.
Teachers capitalize on chances in any lesson to encourage pupils to reflect, however briefly, on the evidence that supports scientific interpretations. Pupils draw conclusions which match the data they have collected and begin to use this evidence to support further predictions.
They know that scientists have combined evidence from observation and measurement with creative thinking to suggest new ideas and explanations for phenomena.
Upper School celebrated and acknowledged the outstanding achievements of two of our Year 10 students, Colum and Jorrin who’s work in our Term 1 Chemistry Magic, in Methane Bubbles combustion reaction and Whoosh Bottle exothermic reaction have been published by the Chinese Journal of Chemical Education. A great achievement, well done.

Head of Chemistry, Harrow Shenzhen
Said by Ms Jennifer Pordan that Chemistry is a fascinating subject that deals with the study of matter and its properties. It is a subject that is both challenging and rewarding, and it requires a lot of hard work and dedication to master.
If you are asking me three words that I believe best describe chemistry, it would be that chemistry is a fundamental, practical, and challenging subject that is essential for understanding the world around us. I encourage you to embrace the challenges of studying chemistry and to work hard to master its concepts. With dedication and perseverance, you can become a skilled chemist and make a positive impact on the world.

(Stay safe, don't try this at home)